Cut away from the whole, is the remnant
That piece that will not be discarded, it will not rot, nor fray
It is the part that will remain, come what may…
When persecuted and mocked, in humility, the remnant will stay
Faithful, trustworthy, immovable, the remnant will show the way…
For they are the left-overs cast to the side, yet, they are chosen,
And, they pray…
They do not compromise, do not back down, tossed to the side, not meant for use…
But God loves them anyway…
In the midst of chaos and destruction… it’s the remnant that stays, strong
Even when the best of men, fall, and do what’s wrong
The remnant brings the God-song…
We will not bow or bend our knees to Satan’s fowl strategies
Our Father God is who we serve, we will guard the truth as He preserves, our souls. We are heaven bound, for heaven, is, our blessed goal…pointing souls to Calvary…
Wrought by blood and water, which poured from the Lord’s body, hung upon a tree, there, He restored our victory…
Only a remnant left from the veil, torn by God, to sever Hell…
They remain in the earth His story to tell…
We may not be popular, or, invited to Society’s ball, but by God’s grace we have heeded the call…
We are sown to the robe of Christ…A New Creation, a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood; we stand side-by-side, where angels trod…
We are the remnant of God!!!
This poem also appears on the "Be Courageous Be Bold, Hebrews 4:16" Blog

Christian Poet and Writer
Marla Yvonne O'Neill
Ordained Minister at United Christian Church & Ministerial Assoc.
Connect with Marla over at: