The Power of Neglect
One cannot know the victory of overcoming sin
While lacking in the frequency of having deep within
The Spirit of God's presence through their study time with prayer
Each morning noon and evening while His Spirit's waiting there
But sorely all too often we get busy with our day
And time we should have spent with God is frittered all away
On often good activities that treat our neighbors well
But slowly in a subtle way does that we cannot tell
In stealing our eternity one moment at a time
That most insidious evil that among the devil's crimes
Has been the most successful in his effort for man's soul
That with his own destruction will accomplish his last goal
To steal from God His precious ones for whom He died to save
In whom He placed His promise when He came out from the grave
That if they would be faithful He'd give all He had to give
And in the realms of glory one forever they would live
But losing those first moments in the morning time alone
Lead to successive moments when we strike out on our own
Pursuing our activities without His Spirit Guide
Not having that protective Rock in Whom we need to hide
When Satan comes against us like an overwhelming flood
Convincing us our failures are not covered by the blood
That flowed upon Mount Calvary so many years ago
When God poured out His endless love for all of us to know
And if we choose to let him make us think that twisted way
Then we become susceptible to all he has to say
And doubt the grace we reveled in when first we met the Lord
And lose that first love we once knew when all that we adored
Was time we spent together with our Saviour side by side
When all our deepest longings found a Place that they could hide
And all the joy and gladness we experienced each day
Could not by time or circumstance be lost or pushed away
So friend don't let temptation to avoid your time with God
Command your best intentions in the path you choose to trod
But cherish every moment while you can to be with Him
That when He comes to claim His own you'll also be with them
Psalm 55:16-17, 22; Hebrews 6:4-6; Isaiah 44:22