Only God's Way
The fear of oh so many who have yet to meet the Lord
To understand the loving plan for which He is adored
Is very well established in this time in which we live
For there are many dangers for the ones who fail to give
Their all in full abandonment to Him Who makes us whole
To Him Who is salvation for the lost and wandering soul
Who only holds the promise of that life that never ends
For those who give Him all their hearts whom He adores as friends
And chief among those dangers is the loss of what is gained
By those who have abandoned all and from all sin refrained
Who found in their devotion to their Lord and God and King
The perfect peace that's only known by placing everything
Before the Lord in sacrifice to see what He will do
With life He's freely given us that's lived in me and you
That very breath He breathed at first in Adam and his wife
That has been shared in every child to which He's given life
Revealing through this miracle man cannot comprehend
That only by God's choosing will this cycle never end
Of life and life together making life the way He planned
The child that is the offspring of the woman and the man
But sadly we've accepted in society today
A twisted understanding of the word that people say
That word called love that's nothing more than lust adorned with fear
That given to perversity God's judgment will appear
And they will reap destruction for the path in life they chose
When all of our probation will at last by grace be closed
And all receive their pardon for the sins of their dark past
Or be marked for destruction in the fires that will last
Until all sin's been vanquished every blot's been wiped away
And all who stand will know the Lord to Whom they chose to pray
And sought His Way each moment in the time we're given here
To know Him in the present as the One we hold most dear
For now can't hold tomorrow as tomorrow may not come
And true love for the future has one place that it comes from
Found only in our Maker Who's ordained what He has made
One path that leads to heaven through the Price for us He paid
John 14:1-21