His Plan
A brokenness in body can impact a suffering soul
And make them feel their helplessness in reaching that one goal
Of being whole and healthy being strong and firm again
When all they know is anguish from the pain they feel within
It also wounds the spirit to believe God does not care
As everyday seems darker as they ponder their despair
And worry will the future have a brighter day to see
Without the pain of thinking all is but futility
But God knows every burden He feels every pain we bear
He tastes the salty sorrow in the many tears we share
When speaking with another of the struggles we go through
While He's the only Person that we really can come to
Who has the power to heal us has the power by living grace
To strengthen and encourage us in all the trials we face
And share with us the promise of a future yet to come
When Christ returns from glory to receive His precious ones
Who've waited ever watching for the signs of His return
Who've made Him front and center of all things for which they yearn
To see His face and know His grace in all they hope to be
As one with Him forever they will tour eternity
And hear the many lessons of the sorrows they went through
That were in their best interest for the work He called them to
Of learning how to lean on Him Who has our best in mind
Who never has and never will leave those He loves behind
Who also choose to cherish every moment spent with Him
That's ours to make and mold us as His channels sent to them
Who also may be suffering from things they can't control
That God can use for blessing that fulfill their inmost soul
And make them also likewise living testimonies too
To share the many promises that show what God will do
To make us fit for heaven and eternity with Him
Where all will join that chorus with the mighty Seraphim
And other angels present when before our Lord and King
We'll say it all was worth it at the cost of everything
Just to be in His presence Who walked with us hand in hand
Our Lord and great Physician Who gave us the life He planned
Jeremiah 29:11-13; Luke 5:30-31; Revelation 21:1-5