The choices that we face today seem little when compared
To choices made so long ago by those who loved and shared
The message of salvation by Messiah Christ the King
Who by His Mighty Pow'r and Grace provides us everything
We need to be in service to His overarching plan
To make and mold His image once again in fallen man
Not bowing to the hierarchy of those we think are wise
But bowing simply to the One we know as Jesus Christ
The One who left all heaven to become as One with us
To give us an Example how in God we all can trust
Each moment of existence here as that for which He's planned
When willingly and lovingly we take in Him our stand
As soldiers of that bloody cross where hung the Son of God
To fight the fight and be the light for all who choose to trod
The path that is obedience to God and God alone
That proves through our humility that we are not our own
But are by Christ's inheritance and sacrifice His heirs
Who must by our obedience lay off all worldly cares
To let His Spirit guide us in the things we say and do
As daily by His living grace He boldly leads us through
The challenges and pitfalls that so many fail to see
Placed there as mighty stumbling blocks by our great enemy
That Christ already conquered when He died upon that cross
And rose again the third day that His work not suffer loss
But be the inspiration to the ones who choose Him well
Who choose no matter what the cost His love and truth to tell
To all to whom He leads them as a testimony of
The truth that illustrates the fact that God's a God of love
And only those who choose Him as their Lord and mighty King
Who choose to live within His grace in spite of everything
Will not just have forever a bright mansion up above
But will be known forever as ambassadors of love
Through whom the God Who made us Who redeemed us as His own
Did through us by His Holy Ghost make His salvation known
And make us lights forever to be His eternally
The children of our Father who grasp His divinity
2 Timothy 2:1-7; 1 Timothy 6:10-19