Another Comforter
The presence of God's Spirit never leaves us unprepared
For God has proved through Jesus just how much He really cares
He sent Him from His Kingdom from His place upon His throne
And gave Him as a helpless Babe to be our very own
He let Him live among us as a Child before the feet
Of His adoring mother to prepare our Lord to meet
The challenges before Him as the Saviour of mankind
By teaching Him the scriptures to prepare His heart and mind
And then as He reached manhood and responded to God's call
He took His early training and relinquishing His all
Without a home to house Him set to work among all men
To draw their souls to heaven and away from worldly sin
To show us through His living and Example here on earth
Just what should be expected from one living in new birth
For everyday He showed us through His own activity
What one who really loves God before others hopes they see
As early every morning after meeting God in prayer
His Spirit was His portion that was with Him everywhere
That shared with Him His insight in the souls of other men
That gave Him words of wisdom to reveal what lay within
Their hearts so they would listen and abandon their old ways
To give their hearts in service the remainder of their days
Just like the One before them Who shared everything He knew
By every act of service to the little things He'd do
That touched each heart found open to receive His better Way
That wanted to be like Him in the things they'd do and say
And wanted the assurance God's own life might live in them
When they through living service gave their all through love for Him
To bring joy to their Father just like Jesus did before
To give their all in service as no one could love them more
Than He Who walks beside them as He walked with Christ back then
To give them grace for living in their battle over sin
So friend if you're still thinking you're in battle on your own
Just trust what God will tell you as you spend that time alone
Communing with His Spirit Who prepares you for your day
And stays right there beside you every step along your Way
Psalm 22:9-11; Ezekiel 20:41; John 14:9-17