His Temple Now
How can we find redemption from the evils of our past
How can we truly lay aside our sins on Christ at last
And know they've been forgiven never more to be our own
A gift of grace that takes our place through faith in Him alone
You might say that it's simple as the Bible says is true
The Gift of our salvation is not based on what we do
But many who proclaim this Way in truth are not at rest
Though they've confessed their sins to Him Who's promised them His best
Which is for them a problem that's not easily subdued
For as a truth it does require a different attitude
An attitude that sees the world not as it's seen before
But as a place that needs to know the grace of God much more
That takes a long lost sinner like the one we used to be
Adopts us as a child of God from sin and self set free
Then clothes us in Christ's righteousness saved by His blood alone
That flowed upon that wooden cross that makes this child His own
And no where do we find a word that says we go back then
To be confused about God's grace that saved us from our sin
For we are now His children one in love and purity
To fashion by each day with Him what we are meant to be
As confident disciples soldiers of that rugged cross
To fight each day the battles for the saving of the lost
Not focused on what may be said about where we have been
But on that place where we will live forever without sin
Where there is now no record of the evils we have done
As long as we are faithful in our walk with Christ the Son
And living everyday the Way He's promised He will lead
The ones who lay the past aside to let His love succeed
Believing that in spite of all the world may say is true
In Christ and by His grace alone we are alive and new
No longer strangers from His will but perfect everyday
We lay aside our plans to let His Spirit lead the way
And therein live as purchased from the past we once did know
In love that's deep and tender with the One we need to show
To all the world is greater than the greatest of our sin
For now we are His temple that His Spirit's living in
Acts 2:38-39; Romans 8:1-15; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20