Imagine the most unbelievable
gallery of the world,
So famous
So alive
So incredible
So full of timeless masterpieces
And there is one item
Yet somehow many
So precious
hard to price or value,
So precious
Created layer by layer
Days and nights of thinking
Moments and weeks of creation
Passion and love crafted
the vision
Poured life into the creation
That item is YOU...
created as a living
much loved masterpiece,
And now He wants to show you
celebrate you
Share you with
the world,
You are God's masterpiece
You are God's generosity
You are God's goodness
You are God's blessing
You are God's life
You are his DNA masterpiece
Created for all the good
Created as a love Masterstroke
As a love demonstration.
As a love creative.
You are God's DNA treasure
Really living at last!
Verse: Ephesians 2:10
Starting Thoughts: Do we understand the way God truly looks at us? What does He really see, what are his feelings towards us? Know we are His masterpieces?