May those who know the name of God
put their trust in Him and not in fear. May those whose hope is in the Lord
call on Him, knowing He is always near.
May those who feel the weightiness of their sin
marvel at the grace and mercy of the Sovereign King the Creator of the universe in all His splendour
coming to His blood bought creation with loving fervour
May those who hear His words be purified
turning away from old to new to be glorified
May those who seek the face of the Lord, their hearts poised at the Saviour’s feet,
swell to His Spirit’s fullness as they approach the mercy seat
May those whose God is their Lord
revere their Maker in awestruck glare
embraced by the peace only He brings
to His blessed heirs May those whose lives are fragranced in worship of the Great I AM,
be filled with joy above what they can fathom
building in Him an eternal future that is incorruptible and immovable by this wavering norm May those who wait in the presence of the Lord
be satisfied as they drink from the wells of His salvation May those who know the Lord their God
do exploits in His name across the nations.
Afua Richardson-Parry (18/09/20)