Stephen was stoned to death for preaching Jesus Christ back in the day
He preached the gospel of grace, Jesus the truth, the life, the only way
Before he yielded up his spirit into God's hands he prayed
Charge not their sin against them before he went away
I'm getting stoned for Jesus, from stony hearts around me
They're trying their best to knock me out of this ministry
Greater is He that is within me, than he that is in this world
I may get knocked down, but don't count me out from the stones they have hurled
I'm counting it all joy as the tribulations come
I'm yielding up my spirit to my Father's will, I succumb
Each day I'm praying Father forgive them, for they know not what they do
Father I pray to soften their hearts to receive the truth that only comes from You
Poem/Lyrics written by:
Mrs. Marie Harker 7/22/20
Published 7/22/20