Growing faith builds in us an ability to pray continually - even when the evidence of the situation stacked up seems hopeless.
Prevailing prayer, or travailing prayer is not confined. It is continual and carries over and pervades. It becomes part of what we do, day by day. It is prayer prayed when you are believing God for the soul of a loved one; for God's government to be upon a nation or for a move of God. It is like the prayer the believers prayed in Acts 12, when Herod seized Peter and '...prayers were made without ceasing for him..'; or the lonely widow who put her hope in God and continued 'night and day to pray and to ask God for help' (1 Tim. 5:5).
Personally, I have found prevailing prayer to be empowering and effective - for example when interceding for someone facing a 'death sentence' (as it were) through ill-health, I continually press in by faith, petitioning before the Lord, being fully persuaded that God in His mercy and wisdom will answer.
Beloved of the Lord, may God strengthen us to PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens), whilst trusting confidently in His promises and His providence. The Almighty God is powerful and He hears us when we call.
Be encouraged!
Scriptural Inspiration - (Acts 12:1-16; II Tim. 1:1-3; I Thess. 5:17, I Tim. 5:5; Matt. 11:28-30)